If Gambling Becomes More Than an Entertaining Game, There is Help.
You are in the right place.
For immediate help from a trained telephone counselor, referral to Gamblers Anonymous or a certified gambling counselor, or to receive more information on problem and addicted gambling, please call or text 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537). You can on-line chat with a trained telephone counselor by clicking the link.
Addicted gambling, codified by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, is continuing to gamble in spite of continuing, negative consequences.
Do you have a gambling problem?
During the past 12 months, have you become restless, irritable or anxious when trying to stop/cut down on gambling?
During the past 12 months, have you tried to keep your family or friends from knowing how much you gambled?
During the past 12 months, did you have such financial trouble as a result of your gambling that you had to get help with living expenses from family, friends or welfare?
If you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions above, you may have a gambling/gaming problem.
The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) devotes a section of its website to help individuals identify gambling addiction or problems, and it maintains a referral list for certified gambler counselors. Please go to ncpgampbling.org.
Avoiding gambling problems is possible by practicing responsible gambling/gaming. Before you decide to gamble, ask yourself these three questions:
WHETHER to gamble — Will gambling interfere with your responsibilities? Losing is likely and you cannot control chance.
WHEN to gamble — Are you free of stress? Gambling is not a healthy way to deal with emotions or stress.
HOW MUCH to gamble — Have you set limits? Gambling is entertainment, not an essential use of time or money.
If you do choose to gamble: • Keep Track of preset time and money limits. • Take frequent breaks. • Avoid ATMs or other sources of money or credit.
Practice Responsible Gambling/Gaming
Thinking about the last 12 months …
Check the boxes that apply to you.
Have you bet more than you could really afford to lose? YES
Have you needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement? YES
When you gambled, did you go back another day to try to win back the money you lost? YES
Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to gamble? YES
Have you felt that you might have a problem with gambling? YES
Has gambling caused you any health problems, including stress or anxiety? YES
Have people criticized your betting or told you that you had a gambling problem, regardless of whether or not you thought it was true? YES
Has your gambling caused any financial problems for you or your household? YES
Have you felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble? YES
The number of yes boxes you checked is your score. 0
The higher your score, the greater the risk that your gambling is a problem.
Score of 0 = Non-problem gambling.
Score of 1 or 2 = Low level of problems with few or no identified negative consequences.
Score of 3 to 7 = Moderate level of problems leading to some negative consequences.
Score of 8 or more = Problem gambling with negative consequences and a possible loss of control.
*Ferris, J. & Wynne, H. (2001). The Canadian Problem Gambling Index: User Manual. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
If gambling/gaming is a problem, please call or text 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537).